On Saturday night, I had the opportunity to attend the Benny Hinn Miracle Healing Service at Expo. Having read Hinn’s “Welcome Holy Spirit”, I was excited to experience what God had groomed this evangelist for the Ministry of the Holy Spirit.
The good?
The power of the Holy Spirit was present in the Hall. Tears streaming down my face, I felt strongly the presence of the Holy One. And for Hinn, he didn’t take credit for this, he was humble to acknowledge the power of the Holy Ghost. Thousands went for the altar call to be saved. We judge not by what evangelists do or say; we judge by their fruits. People stood up from wheelchairs, removed crutches, threw away hearing aids…some completely healed, some on their road to recovery.
The bad?
A highly controversial message about tithing. Yes, people should be challenged to tithe by faith and according to what they believe God puts in their hearts. But seriously, why challenge people to give US$1000 in one offering? At the same time, why say “Within 7 days, God will break your debt, God will give back to you more than you can imagine.” Why limit God to 7 days? Why make God sound like an ATM machine? I don’t blame anyone for saying Hinn is into prosperity teaching. It’s just too weird to be hearing this if I’m a new Christian!
The Ugly?
The crowd at Expo was uncivilized. Makes me think I got back into China again. From the MRT to the expo hall, I can’t believe Christians have no manners. Look, there are 30,000 people crammed into 4 huge halls. Give way lah. It’s not like you will DIE doing so. In entering the MRT, some shouted “CHONG AH!”, pushing and shoving their way into the train. When youngsters get into the train, they run to the chairs and pretend to fall asleep, ignoring the old folks who need the seats more than they do. They even run to the priority seats and do the same-even if the seats are marked out for the handicapped/elderly. If Christians are like this, I don’t ever want to be called a Christian. Gracious living? What a joke!
I don’t know what is happening to Christians of this world. If this was the first time I came to this conference, I wouldn’t want to become a Christian. We lead by example and our fruits.
I know people are hungry for the touch of God. I know God wants to bless and to heal. I know that God is good all the time. But many Christians – God’s ambassadors - are doing a terrible job.
I hope that by the grace of God, more will come to know of this good God who takes care of us. That this God cannot be limited even on a corrupt generation. A God that can touch lives that are hungry for Him.
For me?
No more crowded conferences like this. They take a toll on my mental well-being and threaten to destroy my rose-tinted glasses. I’m going to keep my optimism up and continue to look on the bright side of the human race.
We as Christians are still corrupt and are all still on the way to being more gracious. That’s why we need God more.