“My grace is sufficient for your, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Cor 9.
“For you created my innermost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Ps139: 13-16
Dear friends & family
Thank you for your prayers and concern. We really appreciate your petitions to our Father, our all-powerful God. Marcus and I know that He who has brought us this child will continue to carry his work to completion!
The diagnostic during my ultrasound scan yesterday was not too positive. The sonographer took an awful long time – in silence – to take photographs and write the report. My mother and I proceeded to the counseling room where we spoke to another doctor. Doctor said the baby’s heart had water around it possibly due to the stomach pushing upwards, causing pressure in the chest area where the heart is located. She wanted me to come back for weekly ultrasounds from now on; and keep monitoring progress.
We also had an appointment with the warm and friendly neo-natal specialist, Dr Bhavani. She explained that after delivery, specialists would stabilize the baby’s heart & breathing for 5-7 days before surgery. So far, the hospital has not lost any babies AFTER surgery – that was great news. The crucial period, however, was the 5-7 days after delivery where the baby would be in NICU, hooked up to machines and administered medication to aid breathing.
The baby probably will need to stay in hospital 4-6 weeks after delivery. After being stable for 2-3 months, scheduled check-ups will be arranged. Post-surgery, the lungs should be fully functional a year after, as lung tissue develops very well. In the first year, it is expected that the baby may be in and out of hospital for respiratory conditions / infections.
Right now, the baby’s condition:
1. Left sided diaphragmatic hernia where the bowels are pushed to the chest area.
2. The stomach has pushed the heart to the right, which would possibly strain the heart muscles and restrict blood flow during development.
3. Left lung growth OK. Right lung tissue underdeveloped as squeezed to the right by the heart. The baby’s lungs form last during development and lungs are used only when baby emerges from the womb. Therefore doctors are unable to ascertain the extent to which the lungs are working.
To pray for:
1. Full-term delivery. Ie. Delivery after 34 weeks would be best because a term baby would be more stable than a premature one. We pray that the situation will improve from now on so as the baby will be able to be well.
2. A positive mindset, looking to God because He is our creator. He has supplied us with the grace to overcome all things.
3. Wisdom by doctors, sound advice and the ability to know when to take action, if necessary.
In the meantime, we place our trust in our God; for He has great plans for this STAR that shines brightly for Him. Esther of the bible had all odds stacked against her but yet she overcame all things – although this baby’s struggle started earlier, we are sure she will overcome everything to emerge victorious!
Praise God that He has arranged for things to be well so far and placed baby’s case in the right hands of experienced doctors and surgeons.
I will be in Singapore from now until delivery because doctors have advised me to be near the hospital in case of an emergency.
God bless you all,
Charlene and Marcus