Tuesday, June 10, 2008

why u shouldn't eat only nasi goreng

Just got back from Bali last night. We almost missed our Air Asia flight cos the check-in counter lady said her counter was closed 40min before the flight. Look, I couldn't help it, I had CONSTIPATION.

I've never been so stressed running past immigration and a cross-faced husband. Sitting on the toilet bowl in a mall yesterday, I could hear a little japanese kiddy in the next cubicle mimicking my 'ugh, urgh, urgh' sounds....or was I mimicking his? So off we went to Cold Storage to buy prunes at 10pm last night. I stuffed my face with prunes, oats, one huge orange, orange and carrot fresh juice.

I must have gone to the toilet 10 times today to try my luck. Hey! Tada! 3 days' worth of nasi goreng came out! first as raisin-sized dollops then goreng-pisang sized..what hard work...over a span of like 6 hours!!!! Ahhhh..the relief.


Unknown said...

hey...too much info!!!

Glad to have found your more frequently updated blog.

awesome to hear the news. Congrats!!

ben & annie

Loretta said...

Eeeewww.... can you be less gross?!!

Matthew Chong said...

Hahaha!! Actually I like prunes...dunno why most people don't like em..they're soft, chewy and sweet =)

Unknown said...

woohoooo!!! way to go, next it will be mango sized...... :P hahahaha