Sunday, May 11, 2008

The beginning of new beginnings

Argh. They closed my earlier blogsite. I kinda had 2 entries in the past 3 years so that leaves me wondering why. After much ado, I have decided to attempt a blog again just because I want to be 'in' like you all people reading this site.

Yesterday I had an 'eureka' moment. At Borders bookstore, I realised if you bought the classics with the tiniest print and ugliest cover, they would most certainly be cheaper than that with the lovely legible prints and beautiful artwork on the cover. Take my purchase yesterday, Anna Karenina - I bought the RM27.90 version while there was another printed version going at $48+. The cover is ugly alright. My husband told me to stop buying books cos I finish them in a week of reading so it's a plain waste of money. Actually he should stop me from buying my monthly indulgence - Glamour UK at RM22.50. I finish the mag in 2 hours flat! So the ROI is pretty bad on the magazine. On another note, just don't buy books from Borders - u r paying a premium anyway.

Oh on an unrelated matter (they put this comment in the newspaper when they want to combine 3 to 4 articles on crime and craplikethat), I had a nice time chatting for ages at Beans cafe with the cg. Yan Ching told us not to put our handphones near our ovaries for ladies and for men, not near they u-know-whats...lest u kiss ur 'happy fathers days' goodbye. Okay, I'm off to upgrade my new lovely blog. Hope you love it.


Charis said...

Hello! You finally have a blog!! Looking forward to tap into your insights to get more inspiration!

Su Ann said...

hey charlene,

welcome to the gang! we're the cool ppl, hehe... ;)