Wednesday, May 21, 2008

beauty and the pimple in the pits!

I was going to post last night about finding a pimple / ingrown hair in the pits of my arm but then spent the whole night plucking hair off my pits, eyebrows, moustache and squeezing blackheads. Utmost annoying. It's like finding a pimple on ur backside and feeling it whenever and everywhere!!!!

This is a strong reminder to you girls that you should never EVER shave your armpits or else those annoying pimples appear. It's just one of my quick fix-it things when i need to wear a sleeveless blouse. No matter how painful and annoying - ALWAYS PLUCK. And GUYS, you who have been led to believe that women have NO hair at these places, I'm sorry to spoil your delusion but we do.

Beauty is hard work. I mean, why cry and tear whenever you primp and pluck those eyebrows? So that other hardworking women won't look your way and go 'TSK TSK!' Frankly, the men don't care lah. They only comment when ur moustache gets too dark and then gossip to their guy friends.


Su Ann said...

haha! that's funny but unfortunately too true for comfort (pun intended)... hey, ever thought of going to those hair removal centres like Bella and the likes???

cell said... THIS is inspiring!

Unknown said...

woohoo!!!!!!!!!! it is.......... :P lets go lets go!!

Matthew Chong said...

Hahaha! I like this hair-raising post =)

Anonymous said...

you should've at least gave a warning first ma!!